Air Fryer Recipes

Air Fryer Hotdogs

Make hotdogs the fast and easy way in your air fryer. They look and taste as though they were grilled.

Air Fryer Hotdogs recipe

Prep: 2 min | Cook: 5 min | Yield: 2 hot dogs


  • Air Fryer


  • 2 all beef franks (I prefer Hebrew National or Nathan's)
  • 2 hotdog buns
  • Condiments of your choice


  1. Preheat the air fryer to 390 degrees F.
  2. Place hot dogs in the air fryer.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes, or until they reach the desired level of brown and crispy.
  4. Put into buns and top with condiments of your choice.
  5. If you like toasted buns, put the hotdogs in the buns and return them to the sir fryer for one to two minutes, depending on how toasty you want them to be.


Photo credit: (c) Can Stock Photo / surpasspro

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