Beverage Recipes

Luscious Strawberry Party Punch

A great refreshing warm-weather punch, Luscious Strawberry Party Punch would be ideal for serving at baby showers or receptions.

Luscious Strawberry Party Punch recipe

Yield: about 50 (1/3 cup) servings


  • 1 (48 ounce bottle or 6 cups) Ocean Spray® Cran•Strawberry® Cranberry Strawberry Juice Drink, chilled
  • 2 quarts strawberry ice milk or ice cream, softened
  • 2 cups frozen strawberries, thawed
  • 2 (12 ounce) cans lemon-lime soda, chilled


  1. Combine cranberry strawberry drink, ice milk and strawberries in a large punch bowl. Use a rotary beater or wire whisk to thoroughly combine ingredients until creamy.
  2. Gently stir in soda just before serving.


Recipe and photo used with permission from: Ocean Spray

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