Native American Recipes, page 1

Native American cuisine includes all food practices of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Modern-day native peoples retain a rich culture of traditional foods, some of which have become iconic of present-day Native American social gatherings (for example, fry bread). Foods like cornbread, turkey, cranberry, blueberry, hominy and mush (maize) are known to have been adopted into the cuisine of the United States from Native American groups.

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Anasazi Beans with Hominy and Green Chiles
Apache Acorn Soup
Baked Pumpkin
Batter Bread
Bear Paw Bread
Black or White Bean Cakes
Buckskin Bread
Cactus Fruit Jelly
Carne Adobado (Spiced Pork)
Carrot Bread
Cherokee Bean Balls
Cherokee Bean Bread
Cherokee Bread Pudding
Cherokee Corn Pones
Corn and Pumpkin Dessert
Corn Cob Jelly
Corn Griddle Cakes
Cranberry Fritters
Cranberry Jelly
Easy Fry Bread
Feast Day Cookies
Fried Frog Legs
Fry Bread photo
Green Chili Stew
Hoe Cakes
Hopi Hotcakes
Huckleberry Fritters
Huckleberry-Honey Cake
Kneel Down Bread

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