Begin Your Day With a Glass of Green Juice

Begin Your Day with a Glass of Green Juice article

Our lives move very fast these days. And the pacing up speed takes away a lot of precious health along with it. We indulge in eating junk food, not drinking enough water and sometimes even skipping meals, though none of this can be counted as a fault on our part. It is the speed that takes it all. But we cannot afford to slow down, can we? We need to keep up with the pace. But at the same time, we also do need to take care of our health if we want to go on for a longer time. Because if you ignore your health, it is most likely that you will fall sick, sooner or later. And then you will be compelled to slow down.

Hence to balance this unhealthy lifestyle, how about we start our day with a glass of detoxifying juice? Here goes the recipe for this glorious green beauty.

  1. You can either use a slow juicer or a blender to make this recipe. If you don’t have a juicer, blend everything together in a blender along with a cup of chilled water. Separate the juice from the pulp by pouring the juice through a cheesecloth or mesh strainer.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy!

Spinach is rich in chlorophyll and it helps detoxifying your system. Apples are extremely good for your liver and they help in boosting the immune system. Ginger aids in digestion while you get a healthy dose of Vitamin C from the lemon juice. Cucumber helps fight against dehydration as it contain electrolytes. Additionally you get a dosage of Vitamin B from it. Cilantro also aids in the detoxification of your system.

Having a glass of this juice in the morning will kick start your day on a healthy note. This will be your barrier against the junk food and the untimely meals of the day. So incorporate this healthy green juice in your diet and see how your body starts changing for the better, each day.

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