Dessert Recipes

Chocolate-Raspberry Dessert Panini

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Yield: 8 sandwiches


  • 1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese
  • 7 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 (16 ounce) loaf sliced cinnamon swirl bread
  • 2 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, grated or use mini chocolate chips
  • Seedless red raspberry jam
  • Confectioners' sugar


  1. Drain ricotta cheese in a strainer over a bowl.
  2. Brush 1 side of each slice of bread with butter and place, butter side down, on a preparation tray.
  3. Combine drained ricotta cheese and chocolate in a small bowl.
  4. Spread 2 tablespoons cheese mixture on each of 8 slices of bread.
  5. Spread 2 teaspoons jam on each of the 8 remaining slices of bread.
  6. Place, jam side down, over cheese mixture.
  7. Cook in Panini grill until browned.
  8. Transfer to cutting board and allow to cool slightly.
  9. Cut in halves or quarters and place on dessert plate.
  10. Sift with confectioners' sugar.


Serving Idea: Decorate plate by drizzling with chocolate sauce and melted red raspberry jam.


Recipe used with permission from: Midwest Dairy Council

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