Pascha Recipes

Easter Flowers

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Yield: 12 cookie flowers


  • 6 Spring Oreo or Oreo Double Stuf Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
  • 4 ounces white chocolate, melted
  • 12 wooden pop sticks
  • 1/2 to 2 cups Jet-Puffed Miniature Marshmallows
  • Reynolds Color Plastic Wrap


  1. Split cookies, leaving filling on 1 side of each cookie.
  2. For each flower, spoon about 2 teaspoons melted white chocolate onto a wax paper-lined cookie sheet.
  3. Center tip of 1 wooden pop stick in chocolate, turning stick to coat both sides.
  4. Place 1 cookie half on top of stick, pressing down slightly so chocolate flows around edges of cookie.
  5. Attach marshmallows to edges of cookie pop to form a flower, using chocolate to hold marshmallows in place.
  6. Repeat with remaining cookies and marshmallows.
  7. Refrigerate until set.
  8. Center each flower on a 12 inch sheet of plastic wrap. Gather plastic wrap at pop stick, twist to seal and tie with ribbon.


Flower Place Cards: Flowers can be used as place cards. Write names on flowers with decorator gel or frosting. Refrigerate until set.

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