Energy Bar Recipes

Sweet and Salty Almond Trail Bars

These are like a grown-up version of crispy rice treats – without all the sugar. They’re great in lunch boxes or as a snack when camping or hiking.

Sweet and Salty Almond Trail Bars

Yield: 16 servings, one bar each


  • 1/3 cup almond butter
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups puffed brown rice
  • 1/2 cup puffed millet
  • 1 cup slivered almonds, toasted
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries or blueberries
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips


  1. Generously grease an 8 inch square baking pan or line with foil.
  2. Cut the chilled bars 4 x 4 and serve them from the pan or take them out and store them in an airtight container at room temperature.
  3. In a small saucepan on the stove, combine almond butter, agave nectar, brown sugar, butter and salt over medium-high heat. When they have melted and combined, pour into a large bowl.
  4. Add puffed brown rice, millet, almonds, raisins, cranberries and chocolate chips. Stir the mixture together. The chocolate chips will melt slightly.
  5. Pour the mixture into the baking pan and press down, using waxed paper to help compact the ingredients evenly.
  6. Cover and refrigerate the bars for at least one hour.


Per serving: Calories: 158 Fiber: 2g Fat: 9g Cholesterol: 4mg Sat Fat: 2g Sodium: 75mg Mono Fat: 5g Calcium: 45mg Poly Fat: 2g Magnesium: 41mg Protein: 3g Potassium: 146mg Carb: 19g Vitamin E: 3mg


Recipe and photo used with permission from: Almond Board of California

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