Mother's Day Recipes

Angel Sherbet Cake

Angel Sherbet Cake

Yield: 10 servings



  • 1 pint raspberry sherbet
  • 1 pint lime sherbet
  • 1 angel food cake loaf (store bought, approximately 7 inches long x 3 3/4 inches wide)


  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 3 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  1. Line two bread pans, approximately the same size as the angel food cake, with plastic wrap. Soften the sherbet; scoop lime sherbet in one pan and raspberry sherbet in the other. Spread the sherbet with a metal spatula dipped in hot water. Sherbet should be approximately 1/2 inch deep. Refreeze the sherbet in the pans for at least 1 hour or until hard.
  2. Trim edges of the angel food cake to even them; cut the angel food cake in three lengthwise slices.
  3. Remove frozen lime and raspberry sherbet from freezer. Alternate layers; cake, sherbet, cake, sherbet and cake. Cut off any oversized sherbet or cake to insure that cake and sherbet are even on all sides of the cake. Refreeze until solid; can be frozen up to 3 days if wrapped well in plastic wrap.
  4. Before serving, prepare the cake topping by whipping the cream until thick. Add sugar and lemon juice and whip mixture until soft peaks form. Spread whipped cream on cake. Refreeze cake until ready to serve.
  5. Remove cake from freezer and let soften for 5 to10 minutes.
  6. Slice with an electric knife. If desired, place cake slices on pools of strawberry or raspberry sauce and top with lemon twist and mint.


Per serving: 338 calories, 4g protein, 47g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 16g fat (10g saturated), 57mg cholesterol, 19mcg folate, 0mg iron, 292mg sodium


Recipe and photo used with permission from: Wheat Foods Council

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