Spread Recipes

Caramel Apple Butter

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  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 8 ounces butter
  • 8 ounces apples, chopped


  1. Place the sugar and water in a thick bottomed sauce pot and heat it over a medium heat until the ingredients melt together.
  2. Continue heating the mixture as the water evaporates and the remaining sugar begins to caramelize. When it is a deep golden brown color add the remaining ingredients. Stir them frequently and continue cooking until the apples are mushy, about ten minutes.
  3. Place the hot mixture in a blender and carefully puree until very smooth.
  4. Transfer to a storage container and refrigerate until chilled.


Posted by kdipaolo at Recipe Goldmine 7/7/01 2:26:10 pm.

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