International Recipes

Ukrainian Sauerkraut

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  • 20 pounds cabbage*
  • 1/2 pound pickling salt


  1. Select firm, sound, mature heads of cabbage. Remove outer leaves and wash well. Remove core and slice very finely on cabbage cutter.
  2. Put 5 pounds about (7 quarts) shredded cabbage in a crock, add 3 1/2 tablespoons salt. Mix well with your hands.
  3. Repeat until all cabbage and salt is used.
  4. Press down, cover with clean cloth, then with a plate or round wooden board, small enough to fit inside the crock. Weigh down with a clean stone, to keep cabbage covered with brine which forms as the salt draws juice from the cabbage. Keep in a warm place 75 to 80 degrees F. Inspect each day and, with a spoon, remove the scum that forms. Rinse cloth in clean water and replace.
  5. Let stand for 6 to 7 days, until it is sour enough to suit your taste.
  6. Put into clean sterilized jars and seal, or put in freezer bags and freeze.
  7. Pack the sauerkraut into the sealers, cover with the kraut brine to within 1/2 inch of the top, and seal.
  8. Process the sauerkraut in a boiling water bath for 10 to 15 minutes for quart sealers.


The cabbage may be mixed with a small quantity of mixed whole spices or a few peppercorns and some caraway seed.

One or more of the following shredded or chopped vegetables may be added to the cabbage: onions, carrots, green or red sweet peppers, celery. A small addition of cranberries imparts a delicate flavor to sauerkraut and colors it lightly. Another interesting variation may be obtained by placing a few whole apples with the cabbage. This is one of the most popular additions. Apples fermented in cabbage make a delicious meat accompaniment.

Posted by Olga at Recipe Goldmine 5/17/02 7:47:47 pm.

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