Home Remedies and Health Recipes, page 5

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Pineapple Cinnamon Mint Foot Rub
PMS Relief
Poison Ivy Treatment
Powerful External Liniment
Puffy Eyelid Treatment
Purifier for Colds and Infections
Rash Powder
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Drink
Razor Burn Mask
Red Clove Sleep Tea
Refreshing Leg/Foot Gel
Relaxation Tea
Rheumatism Drink
Rosemary Massage Oil
Sinus Headache Pillow
Skin Irritation Soother
Soothing Lemon Gel
Sore Muscle Liniment
Sore Muscle Liniment Wrap
Sore Muscle Rubdown
Sore Throat Gargle
Sore Throat Gargle 2
Sprain/Strain/Bruise Tincture
Stomach Ache Remedy
Stretch Mark Cream
Stretch Mark Massage Oil
Stuffy Nose or Tight Chest Reliever
Sunburn Soother
Sunflower Cough Syrup
Super-C Soup
Sweet Cough Syrup

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